You will have to set-up an account to access documents or log-in if you already have an account. Zoom links to view meetings and any changes to meeting times and locations should be uploaded onto this portal, so please check back frequently to have the latest info.

Documents in this portal can be easier to locate when using a laptop or desktop computer.

Once you have located the file you wish to view, it may be useful to download the docs from the portal so you can retain access to them, even offline.

Many mobile devices will give you the option to view or download the files once you click on the link. Click on the actual pdf image of the doc to view the doc or click on the three dots to the right of the blue arrow to the right of the document to download them and possibly print them. Even if you do not have a printer set up, you should have an option to print them in PDF form for saving on your device.

Whatever device you use to access the documents and information for our HOA, I suggest you click the box to save your login information and password and this will make accessing the info easier.


Below is info for the next meeting for the Widgeon Woods HOA .

This is subject to change, so always go to or click this link to check the FirstService Residential portal for updates and Zoom Link.

 NEXT MEETING Tuesday, June 4th. It is at 6:30 PM be on Zoom - Location TBD

Zoom information:

Widgeon Woods Board Meeting

Zoom Meeting ID: 870 5574 9961 Passcode: 162070

Tuesday 4, June, at 06:30 PM

Zoom Link

This is subject to change, so always go to or click this link to check the FirstService Residential portal for updates.